Drive By Strategy

You know your brand

Take a joyride to your brand’s essence with our streamlined strategic thinking.

Brand strategy projects can be so profitable that the major consultancies (i.e. accountants) have piled in to what was previously the preserve of ad and marketing agencies.

That’s fine: if you have a spare six (or seven) figure budget that you need to spend before your year end, there’s arguably no better way to do it.

The correlation between what you spend on identifying or devising your brand strategy isn’t necessarily direct. A strong brand strategy needs to facilitate the creation of a strong brand identity. Like a USP in an ad campaign, it needs to be distinctive, insightful and differentiating.

Increasingly (and we know - we’ve sat through the meetings), too many brand strategies are little more than exercises in box-ticking or implementing me-too marketing orthodoxy.

We do things differently.

Our intention is to identify your brand’s essence by interrogating you in a single, intense workshop. Two workshops at a push. As we never tire of saying, you know your business and brand better than anyone. Our task – and skill – is to take your insight and frame it in a way that presents your brand’s strengths and assets in a different light.

It’s a short, sharp process, but theare carefully choreographed and absolutely critical: the foundation for everything we go on to build together.

You’ll receive a two-or three-word brand essence and a manifesto that will hopefully make you feel as excited about your brand and its future as you ever have.

You won’t get loads of marketing jargon or weeks of radio-silence while we chisel your brand’s purpose on to tablets of stone.

You will get the mantra which, if we do it right, will reframe and refresh your understanding of your brand, and enable us to deliver the genuinely distinctive and different brand identity that you deserve.

And it won’t cost you a seven figure sum. Unless you insist.